Rate My Voice
An iOS/Android app that allows you to get feedback on your voice, and give others feedback on theirs.

Help other people by listening to their audio clip, and answering upto five questions on their voice.
Rate my voice is designed for:
- General every day people
- Singers
- People with speech issues/impairments
- Foreign language students
- Trangender people
Get Feedback
Submit a 20 second voice sample and choose the questions that you want to ask people.
Unlike other apps, your voice is rated by real people. We want to build a community where people help each other to improve their voice. For that reason we ask that everyone who wants feedback please try to rate at least 20 other people.
Help others, and get feedback in return!!!

Troubleshooting & Support
Q: Will people hear my voice sample?
A: Yes, Rate My voice is a social platform where your voice will be rated by other people.
Q: Can I delete all previously submitted voice samples?
A: Yes, but only if you still have the app installed. Simply go to settings in the Me page, and select Delete Account & All Data. If you have already deleted the app, we cant help you as we will be unable to identify your submissions.
Q: Can I add my own questions?
A: No, you can choose from a list of existing questions, but if you have a question that you think will benefit other people, email us and we will add it into the next version.
Q: Are there adverts?
A: A full screen advert is displayed at the end of every new submission, these adverts help fund server bandwidth and future development.
Q: How does DevExtras intend to use voice data?
A: We intend to use voice data and its associated metadata to do voice research and hopefully develop new algorithms such as resonance and gender detection. We may sell voice data in the future, but any sold data would be for the sole purpose of algorithm development.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please let us know. You can contact us from within the app.
Enjoy and have fun 🙂